TATA's creativeness - nano Advertising

Posted by A BorN MoRoN On 11:42 PM

TATA is looking at unconventional mediums like web search, viral marketing and innovative public relations-driven campaigns, where the news in brief is called ‘Nano news’ in TOI, Navbharat times etc and television advertisement breaks are called "Nano breaks" (I hav seen it during TC 2009 Campus telecast).

Tata Nano’s print campaign was unveiled. Unlike most car launches, this one will not be supported by a TV campaign.

Other initiatives include online games, merchandise and accessories like Nano branded T-shirts, key chains, teddy bears and watches.
On the day of the launch, the famous RK Laxman's common man was seen rushing towards a Nano. TATA is also encashing its other business through nano like bookings n displays of nano are at Croma, Westside etc.